"Fair Trade" is a system of trading that works with disadvantaged artisans and farmers to market their goods to consumers.
It greatly increases the percentage of the sales price that is returned to producers helping them feed, clothe, shelter, educate and provide health care for their families often through cooperatives and encourages sustainable, ecologically sound development.
Fair Trade offers these goods to consumers at a fair price by selling more directly from the producer and enables everyday consumers to interact with their global community by taking action to ease the burdens of poverty in a very direct way.
GrassRoots and the wholesalers and producers we purchase from abide by the following principles (as stipulated by the Fair Trade Federation).
Pay Promptly & Fairly
Producers and artisans are promptly paid a wage which enables them to feed and shelter their families and provides them access to health care and education.
Producers set prices within the framework of the true costs of labor time, materials, and sustainable growth.
Wholesalers offer producers access to interest-free preproduction advance payment to defray initial start-up expenses.
Develop Transparent & Accountable Relationships
All relationships between Fair Trade groups are open, fair, consistent, and respectful.
All Fair Trade participants share information about the entire trading chain through honest and proactive communication.
If problems arise, wholesalers and producers work cooperatively with fair trade partners and other organizations to implement solutions.
Create Opportunities for Economically & Socially Marginalized Producers
Fair Trade is a strategy for poverty alleviation and sustainable development.
Fair Trade groups create social and economic opportunities for producers who are marginalized because of their gender, physical abilities or socio-economic status.
Support Safe & Empowering
Work Conditions
All Fair Trade participants work in a safe and healthy environment, free of forced labor.
Members seek to eliminate discrimination based on race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation, age, marital, or health status.
Members support workplaces free from physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal harassment or abuse.
Build Capacity
Producers develop independence through their long-term relationships with wholesalers.
Wholesalers assist producers with building capacity through proactive communication, financial and technical assistance, and market information.
All Fair Trade participants seek to share best practices and to strengthen the connections between communities.
Non-Discrimination & Gender Equality
No Fair Trade organization discriminates in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation, HIV/Aids status or age.
Income is distributed equitably at all times, particularly equal pay for equal work by women and men.
Ensure the Rights of Children
Children rights to security, education, and play are protected by Fair Trade organizations.
Groups respect and support the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as local laws and social norms.
Fair Trade participants disclose the involvement of children in production.
Under no circumstances is child trafficking and exploitative child labor supported or condoned.
Cultivate Environmental Stewardship
Fair Trade seeks to offer current generations the ability to meet their needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Groups actively consider the implications of their decisions on the environment and promote the responsible stewardship of resources.
All members reduce, reuse, reclaim, and recycle materials wherever possible.
Respect Cultural Identity
Fair Trade celebrates the cultural diversity of communities, while seeking to create positive and equitable change.
Wholesalers respect the development of products, practices, and organizational models based on indigenous traditions and techniques to sustain cultures and revitalize traditions.
Wholesalers and retailers balance market needs with producers' cultural heritage.
Promote Fair Trade
Fair Trade members actively raise awareness about Fair Trade and the possibility of greater justice in the global economic system.
Members demonstrate that trade can be a positive force for improving living standards, health, education, the distribution of power, and the environment in the communities with which they work.
Asha Imports
Ñana Knitters
Silk Road Bazaar
Interested in learning more about Fair Trade but unsure of how to start?
Check out these resources and links to help you get started!
Fair Trade Federation
A trade association that strengthens and promotes North American organizations fully committed to Fair Trade. By doing so, they seek to alleviate poverty by continually and significantly expanding the practice of trade that values the labor and dignity of all people. They are a great resource for finding Fair Trade members and retailers in North America.
World Fair Trade Organization
As the global representative body of over 450 members committed to 100% Fair Trade, the WFTO operates in 75 countries across 5 regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and North American and the Pacific Rim. Through elected global and regional boards, the WFTO works to deliver market access to small producers through policy, advocacy, campaigning, marketing and monitoring. They keep close tabs on campaigns and market changes and provide many great resources for further research and understanding.
Fair Trade Resource Network
The Fair Trade Resource Network is an information hub designed to grow the Fair Trade movement. Based in the U.S., the FTRN offers pertinent information, publications and current events in Fair Trade. A terrific place to start exploring the conceptual and practical practices of the Fair Trade movement.
Fairtrade International (FLO)
Comprised of 25 organizations working to secure a better deal for producers, Fairtrade International sets international Fairtrade standards and supports Fairtrade producers. Headquartered in Bonn, Germany, FLO also encompasses the Fairtrade Foundation (www.fairtrade.org.uk), an independent non-profit organisation that licenses use of the FAIRTRADE Mark on products in the UK in accordance with internationally agreed Fairtrade standards.
Global Exchange
As an international human rights organization dedicated to promoting social, economic and environmental justice around the world, Global Exchange is an activist resource center working toward policy changes and corporate accountability through grassroots education and action. A great resource for ways in which to be become involved in Fair Trade.
Oxfam International
Although not specifically a Fair Trade organization, Oxfam works closely within the realm of Fair Trade. It is an international confederation of 15 organizations working together in over 90 countries to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice. They work directly with communities and seek to influence the powerful to ensure that poor people can improve their lives and have a say in decisions that affect them. They focus on the following areas: development, emergencies, campaigning, advocacy, and policy research. Be sure to also check out Oxfam America at www.oxfamamerica.org.
Fair Trade Institute
The Fair Trade Institute gathers the scientific community on Fair Trade. This online collection of publications, expertise and critical analysis about Fair Trade is a collaborative effort between the Fair Trade Institute based in Switzerland and the Fair Trade Resource Network in the United States. One of the best resources for keeping up-to-date on current academic and professional discussions about Fair Trade.
Trade for Development Centre
Based in Belgium, the Trade for Development Centre offers business support for producers and promotes education on fair and sustainable trade. They are another good source for what is going on currently in Fair Trade.